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New New: Studio Spray Tans in Marina Del Rey

Valley Girl Tan

Hey, guys. How are you? It's a beautiful Saturday morning. I'm here in the studio right now.yeah,Hey! This Blog is about how we now have our studio spray tans In Marina Del Rey

, Ca. Yes. So exciting, Just want to take a second to say thank you so much for everyone that has been booking, for everyone that has been leaving the reviews on Google & Yelp, thank you so much. You know, you guys are, really like the backbone of Valley Girl tan. And without you , I would not be able to do what I love, so thank you so much, but yeah. The studio tans are on the website, all you do is go to a, go ahead and click on book online and get to scrollin.

And, yeah, we also have teeth whitening as well. A lot of people don't know that we do teeth whitening, but yes, we do Teeth whitening as well. I'm going to start promoting that more. I'm a spray tan artist, I've been doing this for about five years, it's my passion. It's my love. So if you're going to get a spray tan, you've come to the right place. If you're reading this, you are a future client, and we have these things called loyalty cards, your ninth spray tan with us is 50% off. So, whether you book a mobile or a studio spray tan, you can get 50% off your spray tan 9th tan.

And, I have girls that tan Weekly, so it's very beneficial .We are a luxury brand. I know sometimes you see these brands where they're like, Oh, $35 spray tan , in and out in 20 minutes. Yeah, that's not us. We are a luxury brand. We use luxury products. We don't scimp on anything when you come in. We give you sticky feet for your feet, we use the best sticky feet, kind of expensive, but I mean, that is to ensure that your feet stay nice and clean. We don't want you tripping. We want you to be as safe as possible, and we want your feet to be as clean as possible. So that's why we, you know, give you that. So let's see what else?

Before every spray tan, we do a pH balancer on your skin to balance the ph. Ph balancer is to ensure that, your spray tan develops perfectly and flawlessly and that ph balancer really pumps up the color. It creates more of, like, a deeper, richer color. And honestly, I hear from a lot of my clients that when I use that it makes, their spray tan last, so long. I'll see them sometimes two weeks later, and I still see the spray tan on them. So, yeah, I'm like, known for very long spray tans that you have to scrub to get off. If you want that Tan to stay on, come to me, baby. Okkkurrr?

Okay So, We have some exciting news. We are getting ready to drop the exfoliating mitts. Valley girl tan, exfoliating mitts. Okay, we have been working on this for a minute. And they're the best in the game. I love that they're black, so CHIC. You need this mitt, because your spray tan needs to look flawless like you boo. The exfoliating mitt it's freaking amazing for like, your before tan and for your after tan. Basically, it clears your skin so that it's nice and prep'ed for your spray tan . Guys ,when you are coming to your spray tan, you want to be a blank canvas. Okay?

No make up, lotion or deodorant to your appointment .And I know some of you girls you do not feel comfortable going to work running errands without your makeup. I mean, I have makeup wipes,, with me all the time. So you can just take one of those and wipes to clean our face. But again, it is always best to not wear anything . It's important that you have your pores closed, because when your pores are closed, the tan stays. Okay, so let's see. So, studio spray tans, They are here girl! There, here, book them. You guys have been asking for them. So they are here, baby. First time clients do get 15% off. OK!! 15% off first time clients.

I also give $10 off for every referral you send to me! Okay, so, yeah, that is what I have to say about that. Guys, thank you so much for Reading. I just wanted to let you all know studio spray tans are here. you don't know how I miss this. We're in Marina del Rey now, baby. I told you guys were moving up, bigger and better things. And, if you are single, honey, after you get this spray tan, you won't be, OKURR! The beach is a block away. Honey, you better go sit at one of these cute little bars and see if you can find a date for the weekend. Alright? I am not playing with you, okay This is the perfect place to mingle LOL. Alright, So yeah, we are in Marina del Rey, and yeah, book your studio appointments, book your mobile appointments .We are here for everything.

I appreciate you guys so much. Thank you for reading .

xoxo ,

Your Local Bronze Dealer


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